One In a Million, Leopard Appaloosa

Leopard Appaloosa

Hiking with family in Buckskin Gulch, a fancy cowboy on his even fancier horse rode up and struck up a conversation. Spot (the horse), as it turns out is a leopard appaloosa. One in a million appaloosas are born with spots from head to hoof.

Spot was eager to get on with galloping through the maze of red rock in the slot canyon, but his owner, whose name we didn’t catch, was happy to take a break from the saddle and chat with a group of California tenderfoots. Check out Spots saddle and bridle, custom made by the red shirted cowboy, only the best for a horse named Spot.

Buckskin Gulch is the longest slot canyon in North America. In some spots, no pun intended, the canyon walls are only a few feet apart. Much of the year hikers hike through cold water up passed their knees, sometimes for quite a distance. Buckskin Gulch is not for the timid.



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